Fallen Earth RP Wiki

Chris Westwood

Name: Chris Westwood

Full Name: Chris Westwood

Spouse: Rowdy Warpath

(Apparent/Estimated) Age: 48

Biological Origin: Clone derrived from the deceased son of a famed 21st century mutagenacist, Chris West, and an unnamed cowboy. In the same wildwest vanity series as Tee VanCleef .

Birthplace / Nationality / Clone Status : Recloned in Seattle Washington in 2156 with the help of Tee Van Cleef. Nationality unknown, but born with some memories and phobias of his donors.

Faction: Neutral

Clan: Legends of the Fall

Spec / Job / Role: Mutagenecist, Scientist, Chef, Carpenter, Crafter Extraordinaire

Residence / Operates out of: Relocated to San Francisco in the midst of the plague.

Players Time Zone: PST

Main / Alt: Main

RP Status: Part time RPvP, currently retired

Origin / Backstory / Details / Need-to-Know: Always an avid crafter and explorer, Chris began his journey with Legends of the Fall until his adopted children came under massive amounts of threats as the police for in New Flagstaff.

With a family-first mentality, Chris served as a distinguished supporter of the NFPD without being an active duty officer. After a final dispute brought his shakey on again - off again relationship with Tee Van Cleef to a halt, he found himself in trouble with the law for a brief period before getting back on track and finding true love.

He was instrumental in his extended family's pilgimage to San Francisco as an intelligent and resourceful man.

Quote: "I rolled a 10"


Chris and Rowdy
